
Local groups

Informal groups of EUI AA members had been created on a voluntary and not structured base. They organise meetings and networking events.

A list of local referees follow. They can be contacted by members of the EUI AA to create a local connection in cities and countries with a large presence of EUI alumni.



The Paris-based branch of the EUI AA holds its meetings at the Maison de l'Europe de Paris, 29 avenue de Villiers, 17è arrondissement métro Villiers.

Contact person: Valérie Hayaert valerie.hayaert@eui.eu



The Helsinki-based branch of the EUI AA cooperates with the European Society for the History of Political Thought  https://europoliticalthought.wordpress.com/ 

Contact person: Adriana Luna-Fabritius adriana.fabritius@eui.eu



Events and informal meetings will be organised in Bruxelles by former Executive Committee member Leila Simona Talani.

Contact person: Leila Simona Talani leila.talani@kcl.ac.uk



Events and informal meetings will be organised in Bruxelles by our Vice President Alessandra Chirico.

Contact person: Alessandra Chirico alessandra.chirico@eui.eu








Washington DC